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Average Ratings for Cache OC149D6

These averaged ratings are generated from 1 individual ratings.

Average rating:  H52535   Average difficulty:  one starone starhalf a star (2.5)
      Average terrain:  one starone starhalf a star (2.5)

Decoded rating:

5 = Distance to cache  = More than 1 mile (1.6km)
2 = Route surface  = Grass
5 = Route slope  = MORE than 500ft (150m) or more than 20%
3 = Route obstructions  = Small branches/moderate vegetation/steps
5 = Cache height  = Assistance will be needed/don't want to say

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Individual Ratings for Cache OC149D6
Rating by ekorren on 11-Mar-2019

Rating:  H52535   Difficulty:  one starone starhalf a star (2.5)
      Terrain:  one starone starhalf a star (2.5)

Decoded rating:

5 = Distance to cache  = More than 1 mile (1.6km)
2 = Route surface  = Grass
5 = Route slope  = MORE than 500ft (150m) or more than 20%
3 = Route obstructions  = Small branches/moderate vegetation/steps
5 = Cache height  = Assistance will be needed/don't want to say


Multicache. Die beiden Stages sind vermutlich barrierefrei erreichbar. Der direkte Weg dazwischen ist definitiv NICHT rollstuhlgeeignet, kann aber - mit deutlichen Umwegen - über geteerte Straßen und Feldwege umgangen oder umfahren werden. Die Steigung beträgt auch auf den Umfahrungsrouten zwischen 10 und 20%! Der Final selber liegt auf Bodenniveau zwischen Bäumen oder Sträuchern und ist direkt aus einem Rollstuhl heraus wahrscheinlich nicht zu heben und wieder zu verstecken.

Multicache. Both stages are IIRC wheelchair accessible without obstructions. The short route between stage 1 and 2 is definitely not suitable for wheelchairs, but there are possibilities to circumvent the difficult part using roads and paved agricultural tracks until a few metres from the final (all tarnac). These, however, are just as steep with slopes between 10% and 20%, and the final is hidden on ground level between vegetation - I'm quite sure you can't get hold of the box from a wheelchair.

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