You can set up the website to search for the nearest caches and regularly Email them to you in a GPX file. This feature is called "Pocket Queries". By downloading and installing our free HandiGPX utility, you can quickly add our ratings to the GPX file data. The ratings will then be shown in any program that supports GPX files.
Running the HandiGPX utility allows you to select a GPX file to update with ratings. You can select to add the ratings to the beginning or end of the cache names. To add the ratings HandiGPX contacts this web site, fetches the current ratings and inserts them into the GPX file.
handigpx.exe | Version 1.01 | 600kb | Windows 9x/ME/NT/2000/XP |
System requirements:
- 1Mb of disk space
- Pointing device
What about Linux and Macintosh?
We currently don't have the resources to develop applications for these platforms. If you are interested, contact us to get details of our API.
Why can't I just upload my GPX file to this site?
Many of the GPX files generated by are several megabytes in size. We don't have the bandwidth to handle many files of that size.