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Average Ratings for Cache GC43

These averaged ratings are generated from 3 individual ratings.

Average rating:  H33444   Average difficulty:  one starone starhalf a star (2.5)
      Average terrain:  one starone starone star (3)

Decoded rating:

3 = Distance to cache  = 0.4 miles to 0.6 miles (0.6km to 1km)
3 = Route surface  = Gravel/curbs
4 = Route slope  = 10% to 20% for LESS than 500ft (150m)
4 = Route obstructions  = Large branches or tree trunks/thick vegetation
4 = Cache height  = More than 6ft above ground (2m)

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Individual Ratings for Cache GC43
Rating by Anonymous on 07-Mar-2025

Rating:  H44522   Difficulty:  one starhalf a star (1.5)
      Terrain:  one starone starone starhalf a star (3.5)

Decoded rating:

4 = Distance to cache  = 0.7 miles to 1 mile (1.1km to 1.6km)
4 = Route surface  = Rocks/sand/mud
5 = Route slope  = MORE than 500ft (150m) or more than 20%
2 = Route obstructions  = Route width less than 3ft (1m)/thin vegetation
2 = Cache height  = 0ft to 3ft above ground (0cm to 1m)


This is for the new location following the rockfall. Approx 140m height gain in just over 1km so about 14% gradient. Terrain for most of the walk along the main route to Bray Cross is a mixture of flat rock, exposed and loose stone, and tree roots. At one point on the main path, there's a large 'step' formed by a fallen tree that's about 2 feet high.

Once split off from the main path there's less erosion so the terrain is more even to walk. Some walking on narrow cambered trail is required at the end, and at one point on the return I had to use my hands.

In places the path through the gorse is only one person wide with some small passing gaps. The elevation gain up to where you split off the main path is fairly constant (ie no real 'rest' from the climb other than stopping, which you might not have space to do as it's a surprisingly busy trail). There are some fallen trees about 3/4 of the way up that make for a good rest spot with a view.

Rating by JustAlan (via G:UK) on 14-Feb-2008

Rating:  H43555   Difficulty:  one starone starone star (3)
      Terrain:  one starone starone star (3)

Decoded rating:

4 = Distance to cache  = 0.7 miles to 1 mile (1.1km to 1.6km)
3 = Route surface  = Gravel/curbs
5 = Route slope  = MORE than 500ft (150m) or more than 20%
5 = Route obstructions  = Climbing/crawling required
5 = Cache height  = Assistance will be needed/don't want to say


Need to be agile - scrambling required

Rating by markandlynn (via G:UK) on 01-Nov-2006

Rating:  H11244   Difficulty:  one starone starone star (3)
      Terrain:  one starone starone star (3)

Decoded rating:

1 = Distance to cache  = Less than 500ft (150m)
1 = Route surface  = Paved/tarmac/smooth
2 = Route slope  = 10% or less for LESS than 500ft (150m)
4 = Route obstructions  = Large branches or tree trunks/thick vegetation
4 = Cache height  = More than 6ft above ground (2m)

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