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Average Ratings for Cache GC22XP8

These averaged ratings are generated from 1 individual ratings.

Average rating:  H11553   Average difficulty:  one starone star (2)
      Average terrain:  one starone starhalf a star (2.5)

Decoded rating:

1 = Distance to cache  = Less than 500ft (150m)
1 = Route surface  = Paved/tarmac/smooth
5 = Route slope  = MORE than 500ft (150m) or more than 20%
5 = Route obstructions  = Climbing/crawling required
3 = Cache height  = 0ft to 6ft above ground (0cm to 2m)

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Individual Ratings for Cache GC22XP8
Rating by Anonymous on 02-Feb-2012

Rating:  H11553   Difficulty:  one starone star (2)
      Terrain:  one starone starhalf a star (2.5)

Decoded rating:

1 = Distance to cache  = Less than 500ft (150m)
1 = Route surface  = Paved/tarmac/smooth
5 = Route slope  = MORE than 500ft (150m) or more than 20%
5 = Route obstructions  = Climbing/crawling required
3 = Cache height  = 0ft to 6ft above ground (0cm to 2m)

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