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Average Ratings for Cache GC1NWDX

These averaged ratings are generated from 1 individual ratings.

Average rating:  H21215   Average difficulty:  one starone star (2)
      Average terrain:  one starhalf a star (1.5)

Decoded rating:

2 = Distance to cache  = 500ft to 0.3 miles (150m to 0.5km)
1 = Route surface  = Paved/tarmac/smooth
2 = Route slope  = 10% or less for LESS than 500ft (150m)
1 = Route obstructions  = None
5 = Cache height  = Assistance will be needed/don't want to say

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Individual Ratings for Cache GC1NWDX
Rating by petoru on 21-Jan-2013

Rating:  H21215   Difficulty:  one starone star (2)
      Terrain:  one starhalf a star (1.5)

Decoded rating:

2 = Distance to cache  = 500ft to 0.3 miles (150m to 0.5km)
1 = Route surface  = Paved/tarmac/smooth
2 = Route slope  = 10% or less for LESS than 500ft (150m)
1 = Route obstructions  = None
5 = Cache height  = Assistance will be needed/don't want to say


V okoli jsou modre zony, oranzove zony, zelene zony, placena parkoviste. Placene podzemni parkoviste je primo u hotelu. Hodnoceni je vztazene k parkovani v zelene zone na souradnicich N 50° 4.659 E 14° 28.719 v ulici u Vinohradskeho hrbitova.

Tato kes ma smysl pri odlovu alespon ve dvou lidech. Do prvniho patra atria hotelu lze jet vytahem, tam se zjistuji indicie a vyzkousi se akusticke vlastnosti akustickeho elipsoidu.

Nevylucuji ze by kesku mohl odlovit vozickar, obrubnik snad neni moc vysoky, v okoli kesky je trava. Ale jista si nejsem, zda je dosazitelna.

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